Gift cards

Make your next gift a climate-friendly life

Looking for a gift for someone who already has everything? Want to help spread the word of something we can all do to fight climate change? Try out our climate gift cards! Click here for an example.

If you are looking for a larger number of gift cards, please drop us a line at [email protected] and we will happily help out!

Balance out 1 month of emissions


Balance out 3 months of emissions


Balance out 6 months of emissions


Balance out one full year of emissions


The gift cards are based on the average carbon footprint in of 19.84 tonnes CO2e/year. With balancing out we mean that you support climate projects that avoid emissions with the same amount of CO2 as you emit. This is great, but remember that the best thing for the climate is to reduce your emissions. Get inspiration on how to do so here.